Services Offered

Does your yard need renovation?  Do you need a flower bed or just some minor repairs to your landscape design?  Superior is able to meet all your landscaping needs.
Lawn Maintenance
Superior specializes in lawn maintenance which includes trimming, blowing, and edging.  Let Superior take away the weekend hassle of preserving  your lawn.
Can't reach a large tree that requires pruning.  Superior has the right tools to trim the shrubbery around your home or office.  Call today.
Pine Straw
Pine straw deteriorates over time.  Let Superior Lawn deliver fresh pine straw around your deck, flower beds, walkways, etc.
Instead of pine straw Superior can also provide your lawn with mulch to fertilize or decorate your flower beds, or any other area around your home or office.
Whether a new home or you just want to replace your old sodding, Superior can offer efficient ways to resod your lawn at a low cost.
Spring & Fall Cleanup
Storm damage?  Call Superior to assist you in your storm cleanup or if your lawn simply needs a spring cleaning.  Superior Lawn offers free estimates. 
Hedge Trimming
Trimming hedges requires a a lot of time and effort.  Let Superior Lawn Maintenance trim your hedges using electric hedge trimmers to the shape you desire.
Tree Trimming
Large trees in your yard can be cumbersome and hard to handle.  Maybe you just need one tree or several trees trimmed.  Superior has the correct tools for the job.
Tractor Work
Heavy equipment is expensive and hard to come by.  Superior can assist you in minor tractor work such as bush hogging, and small front end work.  Call for more info.
Water can cause severe damage to your yard or even driveway.  Let us provide your lawn or driveway with the proper drainage system to support heavy rainfall.
Other Services
Superior can offer other lawn related services.  Chances are we have a service to fit your lawn maintenance needs.  Call for more information concerning other services.

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